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MLA Style (9th edition)


Works Cited

Last Name, First Name of First Author, First Name Last Name of Second Author. Title of Book. Edition (if supplied, and not the first edition). Publisher, Year of publication. 

If there are 3 or more authors, list first author (last name, first name), followed by et al.

Bivens, Thomas H. Mixed Media : Moral Distinctions in Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism. Lawerence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.

Greenhill, Pauline, and Sidney Matrix. Fairy Tale Films: Visions of Ambiguity. Utah State University Press, 2010. 

Smith, Nancy, et al. Constructions of Rural Childhood. New York University Press, 2014. 

In-text citation

(Author Lastname page).

(Bivens 22).

(Greenhill and Matrix 68).

(Smith et al. 124).


Works Cited: 

Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year of publication. Name of Library Database or Website. 

Bivens, Thomas H. Mixed Media : Moral Distinctions in Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism. 4th ed., Routledge, 2023,

In-text citation:

(Author Lastname page).

(Bivens 23).

Chapter in an Edited Book

Works Cited:

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Chapter." Title of Book, edited by Editor's First Name and Last Name, Publisher, Year of publication, page numbers of the chapter.

Taylor, Maureen. "Public Relations in the Enactment of Civil Society." The SAGE Handbook of Public Relations, 2nd edition, edited by Robert Heath, SAGE Publications, 2010, pp. 5-16.

In-text Citation:

(Author Lastname page).

(Taylor 7). 

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