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Citation Management

Get started using Zotero

About Zotero

  • A free, open source bibliographic management tool. 
  • Download an extension for your web-browser to help you collect references. 
  • Collects, stores and organizes citations you've found to journal articles, books, web sites and other sources. 

Zotero System Requirements


  • macOS 10.9 or later
  • Windows 7 or later
  • Linux

Zotero Connector (Web Browser):

  • Chrome 55 or later
  • Firefox 52 or later
  • Safari 10 or later (available in macOS 10.10 or later)

Word Processor Plugins:

Word for Windows

  • Word 2010-2019 or Office 365, excluding Word 2010 starter edition 

Word for Mac

  • Word 2008-2019 or Office 365, including 2016 version 16


  • LibreOffice 5.2 or later
  • Java Runtime environment (JRE) or Java development Kit (JDK)

Further information available at

Installing Zotero

  1. Visit the Zotero website.
  2. Download Zotero 5.0 for Mac, Windows or Linux (Only available as *Zotero Standalone program now). 
  3. Consult Zotero's installation instructions for more information.                    

N.B. See the sidebar for Zotero System Requirements before you download.


Chrome Laptop Users:

  • Chrome book users cannot download Zotero directly onto their computer, nor will you be able to download the Word plug-in. However, you can register for the online version at the Zotero website and use the Zotero Bookmarklet to save your references to Zotero online.

  • N.B. Zotero on-line is a more limited version and you will not be able to change the citation output style (to AJP, for example).


Help Using Zotero

Consult Zotero's Support Documentation for troubleshooting and frequently asked questions.

Visit Zotero's Support Forums to post a question or search for previously posted answers to common questions.

*Upgrade from Zotero 4.0 for Firefox to Zotero 5.0 Standalone (*N.B. Download Zotero Connector for Firefox first, then Zotero 5.0). 

Watch the Zotero video tutorials below to help you get started.

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