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APA Style 7th Edition

Images, photographs, charts, maps, etc.

The license associated with an image determines how it should be listed.

  • If a license states no attribution is required then the image can be used without a reference or citation in an APA Style paper
  • If the license states credit is required than an APA Style copyright attribution and reference list entry is required. 
  • Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition, Section 10.16, for more information

Online Image
References: General Format

Creator's lastname, Initials. (Year). Or, use (n.d.) when no date is given. Title. [If there is no title include a description in square brackets]. [Type of work: painting, photograph, chart, map, etc.]. Site name. URL

Smith, J. (n.d.). Lemons in a bowl. [Photograph]. Flickr.

Copyright attribution 

This is used instead of an in-text citation where the image appears in the paper.  
Provide a figure number and title and then the image. Below the image, provide a copyright attribution in the figure note, including all of the pieces of information listed below. In a presentation, the figure number and title are optional but the note containing the copyright attribution is required.

General Format: Title, author, date, site name, URL, followed by the name of the Creative Commons License.

Figure 1
Lemons in a bowl
[Image shown here]
Note. From Lemons in a bowl [Photograph], by J. Smith, n.d., Flickr ( CC BY 2.0.



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