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Instructor Guide to Library Services

Course Reserves

Instructors are welcome to submit requests for course reserve materials in print and electronic formats available from the University of Guelph and Humber Libraries.

The Ares Course Reserve system allows instructors to make course materials available to enrolled students in one convenient place.

To submit requests for Ares, you can either:

  1. Submit the following request forms for print and electronic material, or
  2. Login to the Ares Course Reserves system using your Gryphmail credentials and submit course readings by following these steps.
  3. If you have any questions about the process or your requests, please contact

Why use Ares Course Reserves?


  • Ares enables students to access to a wide range of course material such as e-books, book chapters, journal articles. streaming media, websites, course notes, and other materials. 
  • Gives students an easy-to-use, customizable interface for viewing course reserve readings.
  • It's easy to reactivate (clone) course reserves lists used in previous semesters, or to create completely new ones.
  • Ares can automatically notify students by e-mail when Reserve items become available.
  • You can view up-to-the-minute data indicating which items are being used by students.

Worry Free:

  • All course content submitted to Ares will be verified for copyright compliance.
  • All content will be remediated to meet current accessibility standards.
  • All Ares content can be integrated into CourseLink (Desire2Learn).
  • Ares links to e-journal and e-book content are stable and accessible from off-campus.

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